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Englishフリーワードで探す詳細検索はこちら検索研究活動情報論文岩井 俊 イワイ シュン■所属部署名呼吸器外科学■職名助教  研究活動情報論文肺癌または血管肉腫との鑑別に難渋した,胸部大動脈解離の症例, 岩井 俊, 山形愛可, 関村 敦, 本野 望, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 34:693-698, 2020年11月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.34.693Predictive factors related to pleural dissemination in non-small cell lung cancer, Nozomu Motono, Shun Iwai, Iijima Yoshihito, Katsuo Usuda, Sohsuke Yamada, Hidetaka Uramoto, Journal of Thoracic Disease, 12:5647-5656, 2020年10月DOI:doi: 10.21037/jtd-20-1543.Operative invasiveness does not affect the prognosis of patients with non-small cell lung cancer, Motono Nozomu, Iwai Shun, Iijima Yoshihito, Usuda Katsuo, Uramoto Hidetaka, BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 20:265, 2020年10月DOI:10.1186/s12890-020-01264-xVirtual thoracoscopic imaging-assisted pleural marking of pulmonary nodules, Sekimura Atsushi, Iwai Shun, Yamagata Aika, Motono Nozomu, Usuda Katsuo, Uramoto Hidetaka, Journal of Thoracic Disease, 12:4148-4156, 2020年08月DOI:10.21037/jtd-20-805経皮的肺超音波断層画像を利用した癒着を伴う気胸への胸腔ドレーンの留置法, 関村 敦, 岩井 俊, 山形愛可, 本野 望, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 34:392-397, 2020年07月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.34.392Higher Tumor Mutation Burden and Higher PD-L1 Activity Predicts the Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment in a Patient With Four Lung Cancers. A Case Report, Usuda Katsuo, Niida Yo, Iwai Shun, Funasaki Aika, Sekimura Atsushi, Motono Nozomu, Yamada Sohsuke, Uramoto Hidetaka, Frontiers in Oncology, 10:689, 2020年06月DOI:10.3389/fonc.2020.00689Unusual local and distant metastases after complete resection of roentgenographically occult squamous cell carcinoma, Usuda Katsuo, Iwai Shun, Yamagata Aika, Sekimura Atsushi, Motono Nozomu, Nakada Satoko, Uramoto Hidetaka, General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 69:133-136, 2020年06月DOI:10.1007/s11748-020-01420-4Use of Three-dimensional Printing of a Vascular Model in the Preoperative Planning for the Surgery of a Lung Cancer Patient with Vascular Anomaly., Atsushi Sekimura, Shun Iwai, Aika Yamagata, Nozomu Motono, Katsuo Usuda, Hidetaka Uramoto, Journal of Kanazawa Medical University, 45:10-11, 2020年06月肺癌の手術創に発生したデスモイド型線維腫症の1切除例:過去50年間の報告の解析, 本野 望, 岩井 俊, 山形愛可, 飯島慶仁, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 34:722-727, 2020年06月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.34.722Relationships and Qualitative Evaluation Between Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Pathologic Findings of Resected Lung Cancers, Usuda Katsuo, Iwai Shun, Yamagata Aika, Sekimura Atsushi, Motono Nozomu, Matoba Munetaka, Doai Mariko, Yamada Sohsuke, Ueda Yoshimichi, Hirata Keiya, Uramoto Hidetaka, Cancers, 12:1194, 2020年05月DOI:10.3390/cancers12051194Emergence of lung cancer with a low PD-L1 expression level after the administration of immune check point inhibitor for lung adenocarcinoma with a high PD-L1 expression level: A case of report, Shun Iwai, Aika Funasaki, Atsushi Sekimura, Nozomu Motono, Katsuo, Usuda, Sohsuke Yamada, Yoshimichi Ueda, Kyouta Akasaki, Kouta Tanimura, Kazumasa Kase, Hidetaka Uramoto, Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 56:82-85, 2020年05月経過中に病変の増大と縮小を認めた粘液産生性肺腺癌の1切除例, 船﨑愛可, 岩井 俊, 関村 敦, 本野 望, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 34:260-264, 2020年05月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.34.260死腔の遺残を認めたが掻爬およびパルス洗浄により治癒した急性膿胸の2例, 岩井 俊, 船崎愛可, 関村 敦, 本野 望, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 34:6-12, 2020年01月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.34.6腎摘13年後に肺転移および対側の孤立性の縦隔リンパ節転移をきたした腎癌の1切除例, 船﨑愛可, 岩井 俊, 関村 敦, 本野 望, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 34:40-45, 2020年01月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.34.40Synchronous Lung Cancer With Bone Metastasis and Rectal Cancer: A Case Report, Motono Nozomu, Iwai Shun, Shioya Akihiro, Yamada Sohsuke, Uramoto Hidetaka, Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 4:1-4, 2020年ステロイドパルス療法が奏功した浸潤性胸腺腫の1切除例, 辻口友貴、岩井 俊、船崎愛可、本野 望、薄田勝男、佐藤勝明、浦本秀隆, 北陸外科学会雑誌, 38:5-8, 2019年12月Sugical resection of lung cancer with interstitial pneumonia:short-term outcomes, Atsushi Sekimura, Shun Iwai, Aika Funasaki, Nozomu Motono, Katsuo Usuda, Sohsuke Yamada, Hidetaka Uramoto, Munetaka Matoba, Journal of kanazawa medical university, 44:63-67, 2019年11月気管支鏡下切除により気管支の狭窄が解除し得た気管支脂肪腫の1例, 関村 敦, 岩井 俊, 船崎愛可, 本野 望, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 気管支学, 41:441-445, 2019年09月DOI:10.18907/jjsre.41.5_441Indocyanine green fluorescence-guided thoracoscopic pulmonary resection for intralobar pulmonary sequestration: a case report, Motono Nozomu, Iwai Shun, Funasaki Aika, Sekimura Atsushi, Usuda Katsuo, Uramoto Hidetaka, Journal of medical case reports, 13:228, 2019年07月DOI:10.1186/s13256-019-2128-2Postoperative complication after non-small cell lung cancer resection is a prognostic factor, Nozomu Motono, Shun Iwai, Aika Funasaki, Atsushi Sekimura, Katsuo Usuda, Hidetaka Uramoto, Clinics in surgery, 4:2493, 2019年06月Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Can Differentiate between Malignant and Benign Pleural Diseases, Usuda Katsuo, Iwai Shun, Funasaki Aika, Sekimura Atsushi, Motono Nozomu, Matoba Munetaka, Doai Mariko, Yamada Sohsuke, Ueda Yoshimichi, Uramoto Hidetaka, Cancers, 11:811, 2019年06月DOI:10.3390/cancers11060811Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging is useful for the response evaluation of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy to recurrent lesions of lung cancer, Usuda Katsuo, Iwai Shun, Funasakr Aika, Sekimura Atsushi, Motono Nozomu, Matoba Munetaka, Doai Mariko, Yamada Sohsuke, Ueda Yoshimichi, Uramoto Hidetaka, Translational Oncology, 12:699-704, 2019年05月DOI:10.1016/j.tranon.2019.02.005Low-dose indocyanine green fluorescence-navigated segmentectomy: prospective analysis of 20 cases and review of previous reports, Motono Nozomu, Iwai Shun, Funasaki Aika, Sekimura Atsushi, Usuda Katsuo, Uramoto Hidetaka, Journal of Thoracic Disease, 11:702-707, 2019年03月DOI:10.21037/jtd.2019.02.70悪性リンパ腫と鑑別を要した多房性胸腺囊胞の1症例, 船崎愛可, 岩井 俊, 本野 望, 関村 敦, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 33:156-160, 2019年03月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.33.156複数の肋間に数珠状に多発した胸腔内神経鞘腫の1切除例, 岩井 俊, 船崎愛可, 本野 望, 関村 敦, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 33:85-89, 2019年01月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.33.85What is the allowed volume threshold for chest tube removal after lobectomy: A randomized controlled trial, Motono Nozomu, Iwai Shun, Funasaki Aika, Sekimura Atsush, Usuda Katsuo, Uramoto Hidetaka, Annals of medicine and surgery, 43:29-32, 2019年DOI:10.1016/j.amsu.2019.05.011クローン病に起因する腸腰筋膿瘍と気管支胸膜瘻との交通をEWSで塞栓した1例, 本野 望, 岩井 俊, 船﨑愛可, 関村 敦, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆, 気管支学, 41:463-467, 2019年DOI:10.18907/jjsre.41.5_463Lung cancer combined with methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorder: A case report, Sekimura Atsushi, Iwai Shun, Funasaki Aika, Motono Nozomu, Usuda Katsuo, Uramoto Hidetaka, International journal of surgery case reports, 59:161-164, 2019年DOI:10.1016/j.ijscr.2019.05.033Clinical outcomes and survival following placement of self-expandable metallic stents for central airway stenosis and fistula, Usuda Katsuo, Iwai Shun, Yamagata Aika, Iijima Yoshihito, Motono Nozomu, Takahara Yutaka, Shinomiya Shohei, Oikawa Taku, Mizuno Shiro, Uramoto Hidetaka, Thoracic Cancer, 12:48-56, 2021年01月DOI:10.1111/1759-7714.13707Diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging with background suppression (DWIBS) is effective and economical for detection of metastasis or recurrence of lung cancer, Katsuo Usuda, Shun Iwai, Aika Yamagata, Yoshihito Iijima, Nozomu Motono, Munetaka Matoba, Mariko Doai, Sohsuke Yamada, Yoshimichi Ueda, Keiya Hirata, Hidetaka Uramoto, Thoracic Cancer, 12:676-684, 2021年01月DOI:10.1111/1759-7714.13820Is lung resection appropriate for late octogenarians? Surgical outcomes of patients aged ≥ 80 years with lung cancer., Iijima Y;Iwai S;Yamagata A;Motono N;Usuda K;Yamagishi S;Koizumi K;Uramoto H, Clinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico, 23:10.1007/s12094-021-02554-4, 2021年01月DOI:10.1007/s12094-021-02554-4手術中に偶発的に心停止を来たした肺癌の4症例, 岩井 俊;山形 愛可;関村 敦;本野 望;薄田 勝男;浦本 秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 35:37-43, 2021年01月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.35.37Risk factors of chest wall invasion in non-small cell lung cancer, Nozomu Motono, Shun Iwai, Aika Yamagata, Yoshihito Iijima, Katsuo Usuda, Sohsuke Yamada, Hidetaka Uramoto, Journal of Thoracic Disease, 13:824-830, 2021年02月DOI:org/10.21037/jtd-20-1722Differentiation between suture recurrence and suture granuloma after pulmonary resection for lung cancer by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging or FDG-PET / CT., Usuda Katsuo;Iwai Shun;Yamagata Aika;Iijima Yoshihito;Motono Nozomu;Matoba Munetaka;Doai Mariko;Yamada Sohsuke;Ueda Yoshimichi;Hirata Keiya;Uramoto Hidetaka, Translational oncology, 14:100992, 2021年02月DOI:10.1016/j.tranon.2020.100992Benign emptying of the post-pneumonectomy space: A case report., Motono Nozomu;Ishikawa Masahito;Iwai Shun;Iijima Yoshihito;Usuda Katsuo;Uramoto Hidetaka, International journal of surgery case reports, 80:105699, 2021年02月DOI:10.1016/j.ijscr.2021.105699Combination Assessment of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and T2-Weighted Imaging Is Acceptable for the Differential Diagnosis of Lung Cancer from Benign Pulmonary Nodules and Masses., Usuda Katsuo;Ishikawa Masahito;Iwai Shun;Iijima Yoshihito;Motono Nozomu;Matoba Munetaka;Doai Mariko;Hirata Keiya;Uramoto Hidetaka, Cancers, 13:10.3390/cancers13071551, 2021年03月DOI:10.3390/cancers13071551Anterior mediastinal ectopic pancreatic cyst incidentally identified by pericarditis: a case report, Iijima Yoshihito, Iwai Shun, Yamagata Aika, Motono Nozomu, Usuda Katsuo, Kumagai Motona, Takeuchi Shingo, Yamaghishi Shigeki, Koizumi, Kiyoshi, Uramoto Hidetaka, General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 69:597-600, 2021年03月DOI:10.1007/s11748-020-01537-6診断に難渋した特発性肺裂傷による肺空洞病変の1切除例, 岩井 俊;関村 敦;飯島 慶仁;本野 望;薄田 勝男;浦本 秀隆, 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌, 35:168-171, 2021年03月DOI:10.2995/jacsurg.35.168The postoperative complication after lung cancer surgery does not affect for survival: a retrospective study., Motono N, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Usuda K, Uramoto H., Clinics of Surgery, 5:1-8, 2021年04月Repeat pulmonary resection for lung malignancies does not affect the postoperative complications: a retrospective study., Motono Nozomu;Iwai Shun;Iijima Yoshihito;Usuda Katsuo;Uramoto Hidetaka, BMC pulmonary medicine, 21:10.1186/s12890-021-01477-8, 2021年04月DOI:10.1186/s12890-021-01477-8Multiple pleural nodules diagnosed as IgG4-related disease: a case report., Iijima Y, Iwai S, Motono N, Usuda K, Shioya A, Takeuchi S, Yamagishi S, Koizumi K, Yamada S, Uramoto H, Surgical Case Reports, 7:84, 2021年04月Whole-Lesion Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Analysis: Significance for Discriminating Lung Cancer from Pulmonary Abscess and Mycobacterial Infection., Usuda Katsuo;Iwai Shun;Yamagata Aika;Iijima Yoshihito;Motono Nozomu;Matoba Munetaka;Doai Mariko;Hirata Keiya;Uramoto Hidetaka, Cancers, 13:10.3390/cancers13112720, 2021年05月DOI:10.3390/cancers13112720Novel Insights of T2-Weighted Imaging: Significance for Discriminating Lung Cancer from Benign Pulmonary Nodules and Masses., Usuda Katsuo;Iwai Shun;Yamagata Aika;Iijima Yoshihito;Motono Nozomu;Matoba Munetaka;Doai Mariko;Hirata Keiya;Uramoto Hidetaka, Cancers, 13:3713, 2021年07月DOI:10.3390/cancers13153713How to Discriminate Lung Cancer From Benign Pulmonary Nodules and Masses? Usefulness of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Inside/Wall Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Ratio., Usuda Katsuo;Iwai Shun;Yamagata Aika;Iijima Yoshihito;Motono Nozomu;Doai Mariko;Matoba Munetaka;Hirata Keiya;Uramoto Hidetaka, Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology, 15:20K09172, 2021年07月DOI:10.1177/11795549211014863Individualization of risk factors for postoperative complication after lung cancer surgery: a retrospective study., Motono Nozomu;Ishikawa Masahito;Iwai Shun;Iijima Yoshihito;Usuda Katsuo;Uramoto Hidetaka, BMC surgery, 21:311, 2021年07月DOI:10.1186/s12893-021-01305-0Asymptomatic renal infarction after left upper lobectomy: Case report., Motono Nozomu;Ishikawa Masahito;Iwai Shun;Iijima Yoshihito;Uramoto Hidetaka, International journal of surgery case reports, 85:106254, 2021年07月DOI:10.1016/j.ijscr.2021.106254Prognostic Impact of Sphingosine Kinase 1 in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer., Motono N, Ueda Y, Shimasaki M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Usuda K, Uramoto H., Clinical Pathology, 14:1970430, 2021年09月DOI:10.1177/2632010X20988531Pulmonary Nodule and Mass: Superiority of MRI of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and T2-Weighted Imaging to FDG-PET/CT., Usuda Katsuo;Ishikawa Masahito;Iwai Shun;Yamagata Aika;Iijima Yoshihito;Motono Nozomu;Matoba Munetaka;Doai Mariko;Hirata Keiya;Uramoto Hidetaka, Cancers, 13:2-18, 2021年10月DOI:10.3390/cancers13205166Congenital partial pericardial defect discovered incidentally during surgery for lung cancer: a case report and literature review., Iijima Y, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Yamagata A, Motono N, Yamagishi S, Koizumi K, Uramoto H., BMC Surgery, 21:447, 2021年12月DOI:10.1186/s12893-021-01453-3.Analysis of risk factors for postoperative complications in non-small cell lung cancer: comparison with the Japanese National Clinical Database risk calculator., Motono N, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Yamagata A, Iijima Y, Uramoto H, BMC Surgery, 22:180, 2022年05月DOI:doi: 10.1186/s12893-022-01628-6. PMID: 35568860; PMCID: PMC9107161.PD-L1 Expression is not a Predictive Factor for Recurrence in Resected Non-small Cell Lung Cancer., Motono N, Mizoguchi T, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Uramoto H., Lung, 30:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00408-022-00593-4, 2022年12月DOI:doi: 10.1007/s00408-022-00593-4Improvements in perioperative outcomes for non-small cell lung cancer: a decade-long analysis., Motono N, Mizoguchi T, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Uramoto H., Surgical Endoscopy., 37:172-179, 2022年07月DOI:doi: 10.1007/s00464-022-09471-9.Interstitial lung disease and wedge resection are poor prognostic factors for non-small cell lung cancer., Motono N, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Uramoto H., Journal of Thoracic Disease., 14:1052-1060, 2022年04月Adaptation criterion for segmentectomy in small-sized early stage non-small cell lung cancer., Motono N, Mizoguchi T, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Uramoto H., Thoracic Cancer, 13:2985-2991, 2022年11月Invasive area to tumor ratio is a significant prognostic factor for non-small cell lung cancer., Motono N, Mizoguchi T, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Uramoto H., Thoracic Cancer, 13:2935-2940, 2022年11月Is Overweight Related to the Prognosis of Octogenarians with Lung Cancer?, Iijima Y, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Yamagata A, Motono N, Uramoto H., Obesity Surgery, 32:1279-1288, 2022年04月Is extrathoracic metastasis screening necessary for clinical stage IA non-small cell lung cancer?, ijima Y, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Motono N, (Yamagishi S), (Koizumi K), Uramoto H., Science Progress., 105:1, 2022年01月DOI:doi: 10.1177/00368504221085152.Isolated mediastinal lymph node metastasis of anaplastic carcinoma of unknown primary origin: a case report., Motono N, Ueda Y, Shioya A, Yamada S, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, Uramoto H., Annals of clinical reports, 7:2195, 2022年05月An alternative posterior ascending pulmonary artery treatment in lobectomy with inflammatory lymph node infiltration., Iijima Y, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Yamagata A, Motono N, Yamada S, Uramoto H., Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 17:289, 2022年11月DOI:10.1186/s13019-022-02033-z.Efficacy of direct oral anticoagulant for renal infarction due to pulmonary vein stump thrombosis after left pneumonectomy., Iijima Y, Iwai S, Motono N, Uramoto H., Surgical case reports, 8:215, 2022年12月DOI:10.1186/s40792-022-01574-8.Racemose hemangioma revealed by massive intraoperative hemorrhage: A case report., Iwai S, Ishikawa M, Iijima Y, Motono N, Nagata H, Takano T, Uramoto H., International jounal of surgery case reports, 91:106722, 2022年01月Genomics of Tumor Origin and Characteristics for Adenocarcinoma and Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: A Case Report., Usuda K, Niida Y, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Yamagata A, Iijima Y, Motono N, Yamada S, Uramoto H., Frontiers in onclogy, 12:858094, 2022年03月難治性の感染性肺嚢胞に対して肺嚢胞開窓術を施行した2症例., 岩井 俊,石川真仁,山形愛可,飯島慶仁,本野 望,浦本秀隆, 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会雑誌, 44:268-272, 2022年07月Usefulness of intraoperative nerve monitoring for giant type AB thymoma combined with an aberrant right subclavian artery: a case report., Iijima Y, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Yamagata A, Motono N, Tsuji H, Uramoto H., Jounal of cardiothoracic surgery, 17:300, 2022年12月Prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and prognostic nutrition index in patients with non-small cell lung cancer receiving pulmonary resection, Motono N, MIzoguchi T, Ishikawa M, Iwai S, Iijima Y, and Uramoto H, World jounal of surgery and surgical research, 5:1401, 2022年08月Higher Tumor Mutation Burden and Higher PD-L1 Activity Predicts the Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment in a Patient With Four Lung Cancers. 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